19 April 2012

More Rats!

"I smell a rat" is a particularly apt phrase--I smelled the rat before I saw it.


There's apparently a rat that gets into my apartment at nights. It's a young rat, small enough to fit through the gap between the balcony door and the ground. It came in and totally trashed my apartment. It knocked the trash bin over, ate my hedgehog's food, and formed a small nest behind the furniture. Having kept them as pets in the past, I know exactly what they smell like, which is why I was troubled when I caught a whiff of it.

I first saw him one night when I couldn't sleep, nosing around my table and examining things. I kicked him out and blocked the space underneath the door, but the damn thing is like Wiley Coyote--it keeps finding ways to get in. We're currently engaged in a battle of wits.

Like I've said, I've kept rats before, so it's not especially upsetting to me. It's just interested in my trashcan and crumbs.

Nonetheless, I don't want either the hedgehog or myself to contract its fleas.

Thearea says rats are a problem for virtually everyone in Cambodia...and that a cat is the best defense.

Looks like I'm getting a new pet sometime soon.

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