11 October 2013

The blog will be updated--maybe

Well, here I am in Bangkok, Thailand.  Unfortunately.

While I was uploading some photos, I made the mistake of ejecting the camera from the drive.  This is because I suck at technology, and everything I touch is doomed in one way or another (I've yet to tell you the incident with my so-called Galaxy S-4).

Anyway, what this means is that basically the camera's gone into lock-down, won't let me take pictures, and won't let me view the shots I took.  All photos have been replaced by "read only" files, and I'm not sure how to rectify this situation.

I'm doing my best and hoping I can resurrect some of the photos, many of which were stunning mountain shots.

Anyway, I will either update shortly with lots of photos...or not.


  1. an avid reader here. please keep up the good work, keep us posted. myself, spent a year in PP, got sick too, heavily so, like never before in my life. Still, nothing, compared to what you had to go through with your thyroid troubles.
    Hope you're doin better now & also, hope to meet you someday, coz i think
    we're likeminded. Although i'm not too shure i'll find my way back to PP, maybe rather JB, (Johor Baru, Malaysia, next to the equator & singapore.
    Come next spring,we'll know

    Gratefully wishing you all the best


    1. Wow, thanks. That comment really made my day! Still trying to update, but I've been reluctant to walk across town to the "Good" internet cafe where I can take a few hours to upload.

      I may go to Japan next, though I'm more or less centered in Phnom Penh for life and will probably come back sooner or later.

      All the best!!!

  2. Hi Leeza, doin'ok?
    Re your Japan plans, hope you know what you're doin/ what you're gettin yourself into. feel like having a caffe latte for 8 bucks? Welcome to Tokyo! Never been there myself, but my sis & bro in law once spent 2 years near Kyoto.

    I have no idea whatsoever what your rationale is. As i figure there's two ways to go about it: 1) as part of some sort of an EFL program, the lesser "evil", or on your own on a shoestring budget, uff, good luck with that.

    I were in your shoes, an english native, certified english teach, i'd rather check out Seoul, ( heard a lot a good things, but then, being male & all, one must be willing & able to drink with them guys in order to bond )

    Or, if you feel really adventurous, how about Pyönyang?
    Surely you won't be looked down upon, but stared at like a monkey in an open air zoo, which is exactly why, nowadays i avoid the far out provinces in, say Vietnam or Cambo for that matter. I't's just gotten just too tedious, bothersome.

    Here's to hoping your next choice will be a good, rewarding one.


  3. Actually my rationale is to visit a culture I've been interested in since I was a teenager and earn (and hopefully save) some money teaching while doing this. I still plan on returning to PP.

    Wouldn't go to Korea, though--I've heard too many horror stories.

    Yeah, I don't much like being a monkey either. The "adventure" of this wears off rather quickly.

    Anyway, all the best!

  4. Hi there
    seem's like you're pretty much set on goin on with the japan visit.
    i hope, sincerely so, that it will turn out good in the end.

    as for me, i'll might hit PP again in may, (very) maybe, coz march & april are just too damn cruel in SE asia, multiplied with a hundred or so & you get an idea of what hell feels like. ( if that horrible place, (old routine of fear mongering), was ever more than a figment of oppressive minded imagination.

    Whatever, i wish you the very best of luck with your next endeavour
    & also wish that, one day you'll have reason to change your domain into something like adventures & some great choices. ( of course, doesn't have the same PR appeal), what i'm trying to say here, i guess, is: get off the negative wagon! i've spent most of my life on it, being overly, though mostly justifiedly so, critical. but in the end, it just drags you down.

    i really didn't mean to you lecture here, gotten of of hand somehow

    now, go girl, update your blog already!!
    (there are people, thirsting for news)

    andy aka adrian

  5. Hello there
    let me wish you a very rewarding twenty fourteen
    can only hope, i'm not the reason you stopped blogging
    to be clear, i ain't no fricking stalker
