Rats have always been all around me. When I was in the US, I used to breed pet rats--and I promise you they are some of the most wonderful pets anyone can own. Now that I live in Cambodia, I always see them nosing through the garbage, squished on the streets, or jumping into holes as I walk past. One time, I left my kitchen window open, and one got in and started eating the flour and rice. That was how I learned to keep my window closed.
There are even rats at my school. But these rats are a bit more vicious--they're people. People who rat out other teachers. There's one guy in particular who, despite the fact that I like him personally, has just made everyone's life a lot harder.
Now, before I start this tirade, I should probably state my own position: I'm a hard-hearted bitch who doesn't care about other people or what they do. I care about doing my job, and giving the students under my care the best education I can. Admittedly, with thyroid disease "my best" has been minimal; with my own lack of English education, I am hardly well-qualified to do my job. Some days, it's hard for me to show up early. I'm usually 5 or 10 minutes behind in most things, including starting (and finishing!) class. I can't help this; I move in slow motion. Moreover, someone's constantly adjusting the clocks at the schools I teach at, making it impossible to know the real time.
That said, I certainly do not show up 15 minutes late and end 30 minutes early, and I never will. Apparently, though, some teachers do this, and this has set off the person I have referenced above.
He put up a big stink when he noticed that one teacher didn't show up for class one day but still counted everyone present.
My first reaction: That self-indulgent loser. Who cares, I'm not sick and starving anymore.
His first reaction: *calls our boss and tries to have her fired and her pay taken away*
He's also done this with folks who smoke marijuana and/or drink alcohol before class, or haven't graded papers, etc. Now, I don't blame the guy for being upset. That behavior is reprehensible and frankly embarrassing to me personally as a Western, English-speaking expatriate. It makes life harder for me when I have to explain over and over again that I'm not a slut or stoner. I might criticize the individual to his/her face for their bad behavior, but no way would I take it to the administration.
Why? Well read my prior post about social injustice security. Since 1994, no English teacher in this school has received a raise, and yes, some of them have been working here that whole time. We receive no benefits. If we get sick or injured, we're screwed. If higher-ups get sick, the school pays their leave and their medical bills--in addition to the raises I am sure they give themselves.
Do I care if someone rips off the system? My personal disgust at such individuals' behavior aside, no I do not. If the school doesn't want human refuse teaching their classes, stop treating us like human refuse. It's that simple. Give us benefits and pay us higher wages, and I promise you will have a wide selection of qualified, rule-abiding teachers to chose from.
I feel compelled to rant here, because now letters have gone around to all the staff reminding us to be absolutely punctual. The admin guys also now have to check in on us in every class to make sure we "showed up", and they're now required to mark down everyone who deviates by even a minute so our pay can be reduced. Everyone's life just got a lot harder, and the underlying corruption just became even more enforced.
That was so petty and small-minded I could scream.
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