I have very good news today.
News so awesome you will pass out with joy and happiness when I tell you...
Are you ready?
Today I am ... A MOMMA!
When I came home from work one afternoon, I found a little pink baby bird lying on my balcony. It looked so sad and dead...I prodded it with a knife, and it began rolling around and peeping.
I have no idea where the nest is, but I suspect it's in the space between the top of the balcony and my corrugated tin roof. No way was I climbing around trying to find out.
I week or two ago, I found an broken sparrow egg lying in the same place. The ants eventually ate it, and they were starting to gather around the baby when I found him lying there. I dusted him off and put him in a toilet-paper nest on the adjacent roof...but no one came for him. Soon the wind came and blew my makeshift nest into the gutter, and he lay there piteously on the blue tin roof with no one to love or care for him.
So I took him inside.
Clearly, Momma and Daddy are unfit to be parents. They built their nest in a bad place (prone to windy conditions that knock out eggs and babies) and don't know how to look after their young. They don't notice when their babies fall to the ground crying for help.
If they're not going to look after him, then I will.
Although I suspect I can't keep Baby alive for very long, I'll set up a page about baby sparrow care if he lives.
I've got a picture of him. You'd think his candid shots were too featherless and ugly if I tried to show you, so I made a sanitized one out of digital paint.

He's the cutest little baby I have ever laid eyes upon, and I love him forever.
My god, you almost got me. Anyway, congrate for the new statue. :)
ReplyDeleteYou know, I think if those parents know how to choose a perfect place for nesting, they are not birds anymore. And even if they notice their fallen children, what do you expect them to do? Call an ambulance? C'mon, they're birds!
I'm gonna have to disagree there. Most birds I've seen get really freaked out if a baby falls and they start swooping at anything that moves near it.
ReplyDeleteThe parents don't have to chose a perfect place, but hopefully instinct would guide them to choose one where they don't lose two of their young in a week.