10 April 2011

Laptop Down

I've got a lot of stuff I want to say right now, but you will just have to wait for it. Like me, my laptop has been partially destroyed by the force of its own heat.

Over the last several months, it kept becoming harder and harder for me to get it to start. Finally, I had to start keeping it in the fridge; then I had to keep it in the freezer. If it wasn't cold at all times, it would stop working. On Friday, it stopped working entirely. I'm pretty sure it's the cooling fan.

Anyway, I had to take it into the shop. Lord knows if they'll actually solve the problem, or if they'll just charge me a lot of money. I'm using an internet cafe right now, which means I can't stay in here long (it's unairconditioned and I still can't handle the heat as well as normal) and that I can't publish the entries I want (I have no digital and artistic capabilities on these computers, and darn it, I've got illustrations to put in).

So hang tight; if you try to contact me via other means, I may or may not respond right away. And I'll let you know all the tribulations of the Laptop Affair when--if--I ever get it back.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go get some fresh air!!

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