05 April 2017

I am so retarded...

I've decided to explore Laos for the Southeast Asian New Year.

So on my vacation to Laos, I first thought I'd take a stop at Chiang Rai, which is one of the few options AirAsia conveniently links to Phnom Penh.  It also has the famous White Temple.

So I took a flight, which had a 2 hour layover in Bangkok.  I was one of the first off the plane, there was no one at customs...and then I promptly missed the damn flight FOR ABSOLUTELY NO REASON.

I mean, I have no idea why I did it.  It wasn't that I lost track of time, it wasn't that I got lost.  It just...happened.  It was like I somehow entered a misty zone where no time was passing...idk.

Dumb AirAsia told me that I'd have to buy a new ticket, which I then did like a silly little bitch.  FUCK.

As I write I'm stranded in the damn airport, kicking myself for my idiocy.

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