I made it back to Phnom Penh today, just in time to learn that my
Time to find a new job.
I'm serious.
I wish, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, to truly thank my wonderful supervisors...as well as my glorious colleagues...and each and every one of the teachers gathered here today for this opportunity to speak. I give my highest regards to the most esteemed President of the University. I likewise give my regards to the Dean for Student-Teacher Relations, the Administrator for Studen Affairs, the Head Dean, and the Vice-Head Dean. On this most glorious of occasions, I hope to find each of you in the best of health, for it is today that we commence..." blah blah blah, stfu already.
Well, they've gone and done it this time.
Today is exam day for my evening class. Students have exactly 90 minutes to come in, sit down, and fill out 5 pages of English. I show up early to arrange the desks in such a configuration that it's less easy to cheat.
Today, just as I was about to distribute the exam, I got a knock on the door. A courrier came in, telling me it was time for student evaluations.
Now, that particular class happens to be a rather weak class, and a low-elementary level. Given that I have 3 other classes, all of which are very advanced, I have real problems remembering to recalibrate my English to a lower level, especially when I'm tired and hungry. I'm a bit peevish in there, too. So, in all, not the class I'd want them to evaluate--especially not during their very limited exam time!
Our argument went something like this:
Me: NO, you can't evaluate my students! They're taking a test! Get out of here!
Him: Teacher, it's from central admin. We have to evaluate the students.
Me: Why didn't you come last Thursday? During March, like the announcement says? What's wrong with you people?
Him: Please, teacher, we just need 10 minutes...
Me: This is completely stupid!
Him: Just 10 minutes!
Me: Fine, you have 10 minutes. Then I'm coming back.
I went out into the hallway. Eleven minutes later, I barged into my classroom. "Your ten minutes is up! Gimme my classroom back."
Him: Please teacher, 5 minutes more. Your students are late.
Me: THEY NEED TO TAKE THE EXAM. Look, I'm not angry at you, but I need to do my job now!
Him: You can just stay 15 minutes late!
Me: Would YOU want to stay 15 minutes late?
Him: ...No, I wouldn't.
So I stood in the doorway, boring my eyes into his back while he finished the evaluation--which, with my presence there, he managed to do in about 90 seconds.
After the exam, I went downstairs where there was a massive uproar in the teachers lounge. This apparently happened to EVERYONE, and we were all exchanging stories.
The guy who had ratted out the other teacher was most upset of all, and was railing off about Cambodian stupidity. I asked the guy him why he thought this was happening. He had no idea, but I cannot shake the suspicion it might actually have originated from his ratting--when admin caught wind of it, they decided to put up a test to see who's really been doing their jobs and who has not.
And THAT, my readers, is what they call "Bullshit".