You also need to know that I live in a small foreign "ghetto" (read: overpriced island of non-Khmer speakers), and that I have many neighbors, including the British guy who lives on the opposite side of the courtyard from me.

I was coming home one night and was just opening the gate to my stairwell, when I was approached by my neighbor from the opposite side of the courtyard.
It was completely dark, mind you; he appeared out of the shadows and caught me by the shoulder. I turned to face him.

"If anyone asks you," he said, eyes darting, "you didn't see me putting any plastic bags in the garbage." He leaned forward intently, as if daring me to challenge his posture of menace. "Are you cool with that?"
I didn't bother to tell him that it was so dark I didn't even see him by the garbage cans, let alone make any note of it. If you're gonna commit a crime, don't give yourself away by being paranoid about it. Better yet, don't commit a crime in the first place, especially one that your neighbors have to cover up despite their knowing nothing about it.
Eventually, the guy disappeared from the neighborhood, and some new tenants moved into the apartment on the opposite side of the courtyard.
Although I still don't know what to make of this incident, I probably should have demanded a quantity of hush money from him.
Every time I come to your blog, I always get a good laugh. You know you should write a novel about your life or maybe fiction and be famous.
ReplyDeleteLOL, I should. I could easily have written Harry Potter, but J.K. Rowling beat me to it. So instead, I keep a blog.
ReplyDeleteI guess JKR beats everyone who wants to write, but she can't beat anyone from being succeed. Okay, I know I sound cheesy at this point, but you know, you have a unique sense of humor. It's just my type of thing.I would die to read any book that is written by such an author.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, this is just to ask: do you look like the way your illustrations show? Because you remind me of a Ninja, in a very cool way.
I guess I like my illustrations. I wouldn't put them up if I thought they totally sucked.
ReplyDeleteAnd I am sort of a ninja, although I haven't learned karate yet. Many people have remarked on this.
hahahah I remember you telling me this story